NYC was the capital of the US before Washington dc, also with Cuomo about to be ousted he either might try to take his spot/or if he doesn't resign trump could assume the highest position in NY state which then might give him power over him.. The thing is you have to get rid of the soveirgn territory of DC and after that the president has to resume somehow and his power would most likely override everyone elses, and the previous capital was NYC, think about it, the biggest flip, blue to red, trump will take over NYC, supposably he had the votes in New York to win off the scytl servers
NYC was the capital of the US before Washington dc, also with Cuomo about to be ousted he either might try to take his spot/or if he doesn't resign trump could assume the highest position in NY state which then might give him power over him.. The thing is you have to get rid of the soveirgn territory of DC and after that the president has to resume somehow and his power would most likely override everyone elses, and the previous capital was NYC, think about it, the biggest flip, blue to red, trump will take over NYC, supposably he had the votes in New York to win off the scytl servers
The 1.9 trillion could be the rest of the federal reserve and possibly he is going to give it all back to the people? Wouldn't that be some crazy shit
1.9 trillion is a drop in the bucket of what the deep state has.
Rothschilds have/had 500 trillion
The vaticN 700 trillion. Yes trlllion.
So true! Gold bars!
But Palm Beach Mar-a-lago so pleasently mild this time of year ,?
Gads you're silly. Take a government 101 class.