I was out walking a little while ago, on an empty street, and some guy walking his dog comes in the opposite direction, wearing a mask (the guy, not the dog), so I asked "Why are you wearing a mask?" And he looked at me like "what are you talking about?", so I said "You are outdoors, there is no need for a mask". I would love to know what thoughts were going through his head after that. I think if enough of us ask that question to the idiots wearing masks outdoors (and the ones wearing them in their cars are probably too far gone to have any effect on), then maybe they will start to think a little bit, and maybe look into things a little bit, and just maybe, start looking into even more things than just masks.
I was out walking a little while ago, on an empty street, and some guy walking his dog comes in the opposite direction, wearing a mask (the guy, not the dog), so I asked "Why are you wearing a mask?" And he looked at me like "what are you talking about?", so I said "You are outdoors, there is no need for a mask". I would love to know what thoughts were going through his head after that. I think if enough of us ask that question to the idiots wearing masks outdoors (and the ones wearing them in their cars are probably too far gone to have any effect on), then maybe they will start to think a little bit, and maybe look into things a little bit, and just maybe, start looking into even more things than just masks.