But seriously, this (along with planned 9/11 and fake landing on the moon) makes me re-think about EVERY milestone/event/disaster etc that has ever happened in the world. About the majority of things I have l and other have learned in history books. How is the truth hidden for so long?
I'm all for shitting on stupid, bogus conspiracy theories. Such as Flat Earth.
But the official story for 9/11 is absolutely false beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it really does point to a controlled demolition (Yes, the planes hit the towers too.) Give this a read.
Also, the moon landing never happened. The link here is one of the funniest reads you'll ever have, check it out - Read this
Some bad peeps took advantage of 9-11 to do some bad shit. Controlled demo doesn’t make sense.
Not because the bad actors wouldn’t do it, but bc of the complexity described above
But seriously, this (along with planned 9/11 and fake landing on the moon) makes me re-think about EVERY milestone/event/disaster etc that has ever happened in the world. About the majority of things I have l and other have learned in history books. How is the truth hidden for so long?
I'm all for shitting on stupid, bogus conspiracy theories. Such as Flat Earth.
But the official story for 9/11 is absolutely false beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it really does point to a controlled demolition (Yes, the planes hit the towers too.) Give this a read.
Also, the moon landing never happened. The link here is one of the funniest reads you'll ever have, check it out - Read this
That is well reasoned 45willwinagain.
Some bad peeps took advantage of 9-11 to do some bad shit. Controlled demo doesn’t make sense. Not because the bad actors wouldn’t do it, but bc of the complexity described above