Guys, we're screwed! They're putting it in our's nano chip 5G tech!!
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Munchie induced....
I just don’t eat a full serving, staying shy of 5G
Ah fuck it, take your short, quick snort and an updoot. You earned it. xD
I just wanted to engage in some simple shitpostery...and I just democrapped all over it!!?
Deep State Officer 1: "Here is the plan. We have to put chips inside all people."
Deep State Agent 1: "Done, we have already taken care of it. We went with Potato chips"
It's in our FF - er....French Fries?!
Not sure why it's sideways...
This could be an overarching commentary on reality in general....
It clearly states: 5G plant [facility], based protein
Checked with spellcheck annnnnd it passed!!! :P