Maybe it's the doomer in me but I've found it hard to believe this whole time that fans alone swayed the same studio that recut Eyes Wide Shut (which was allegedly going to expose the pedo side of elite ritualistic sex cults) after Stanley Kubrick met his suspiciously untimely death, to allow Zack Snyder to undo their recut of his movie without. We all know these movies are a ritualistic for them by way of predictive programming, mass mind control, etc. Why allow one of the biggest movies in recent memory to be uncensored.
It is parallel to the WSB squeeze. No doubt there are bigger players behind it. Could white hat military have planned the Snyder Cut of Justice League in conjunction with the greater movie Q told us about?
What do you think batfags and superfags? A movie within a movie or a sign of the times?
The best of those (300) I'd rate at a 3 on a scale of 1 to 5. Watchable, but not in a hurry to view more than a clip or two of ever again. Worthy for meme-mining, but that's about it. They're technically proficient, but not necessarily stand the test-of-time film-making. (Compare that to a real classic that will suck you into the couch like a black hole, and not let you leave until it's over. Original '77 Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Seven Samurai, The Road Warrior, Aliens, T2, Bullett, Wrath of Khan, etc. Now those are "great flicks".)
Yes, his movies aren't all time classics except for the director's cut of Watchmen but again that's simply my personal opinion.
You like that movie, sure. But you're not going to watch it a dozen times. You'll watch the Rorschach clips on Youtube. Maybe some Manhattan & Comedian in 'Nam.
That's a 3, Maybe a 4.
Well, you're wrong again guy because I've seen it at least 10 times by now. Shit, I'll probably watch it again tonight just to spite you attempting to force your opinion of ZS on everyone else.
Go watch Cuties again bro.
But you haven't even binged "Those Who Hunt Elves" yet.