got links to great commentators who know the truth about these two asswipes
danjazone on youtube
yeankeewalley on youtube
murkymeg on youtube
they have quite the anti fan base from the jump cuz well
a yachti epstein girlie {rachel mee gain is an altered male} hand picked by uncle andrew and daddy charles to disrupt everything .... for obiden and obama and oclintons and oprah {another altered male}
got a link to the actual intwerview? I am sure there are some gems in there.
Not gonna link em but CBS has the full one
got links to great commentators who know the truth about these two asswipes
danjazone on youtube
yeankeewalley on youtube
murkymeg on youtube
they have quite the anti fan base from the jump cuz well
a yachti epstein girlie {rachel mee gain is an altered male} hand picked by uncle andrew and daddy charles to disrupt everything .... for obiden and obama and oclintons and oprah {another altered male}
yup in india there is a thrid recognized gender for centuries the hydras
Interesting .. will check them out thanks.
this admitted transgendered of the aristocracy wrote a book on mee gain
and has a very interesting slant {danjazone and ankeewalley tho are still my favs ...}
Go to the 27min mark Sen Graham Justice KavanaughQuestioning about enemy combatants video
I mean you can Google that shit.. you can't ask everyone else to do it. Its not like I cussed him out. Relax...