Hell yeah! This and also send back the donation envelopes (empty) you get from the GOP in their prepaid envelopes so it costs them more to solicit donations that they won't get.
Nice! Yeah I've sent back 2 to them so far, the first had an official cease & desist letter enclosed. I gave them an ear full. I had always done that with junk mail to get people to stop sending me crap, never thought I'd have to do that with the GOP.
This is Awesome! Don't have to start a new party if you starve out the old guard and takeover the existing one from the inside.
Yup, when you already own the current bitches you don't need to start a new party. I'll be donating to the PAC. Fuck the RNC!
Hell yeah! This and also send back the donation envelopes (empty) you get from the GOP in their prepaid envelopes so it costs them more to solicit donations that they won't get.
???my husband does that all the time with a note.
Nice! Yeah I've sent back 2 to them so far, the first had an official cease & desist letter enclosed. I gave them an ear full. I had always done that with junk mail to get people to stop sending me crap, never thought I'd have to do that with the GOP.
Just got another one from the NRSC so seems they are slow to get the message. At least Crenshaw and Haley seem to have stopped bothering me so far.
I do the same with all the AARP crap I get each year.
I did that for years; haven't heard from them in a very long time. Boo hoo!
He is TAKING over the Republican Party. Be GONE RINOS!
Basically Trump IS the Republican Party now.