We need one of the mods who ISN'T vested in this little mod fight to research this issue & weigh in here with a follow up.
And since this is a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC we live in, I believe it's now time to have elections and term limits for the mods.
We need a concerted, UNIFIED effort from our mods to sort out the shills, trolls, and doomers. This is getting to be ridiculous.
And it doesn't bode well for the community when WE KNOW the MSM peruses this site. We've already had anons who have been quoted by them, turning their words against the Great Awakening itself AND the website in general.
I think we need to have a "family meeting" of sorts, to sift thru the static noise to get to the root of this issue.
It seems to me, we're being inundated with shill/trolls with at least 1 or 2 that have worked their way into being a mod. Of that's the case, we need to ALL be in the same page with this and eject those mods.
Infighting SHOULD NOT be tolerated. ESPECIALLY among the caretakers, the mods. This is The Great Awakening, and we're the "tip of the spear." As such, we need to be more discerning than the other GA affiliated sites. GAW took over that role after Voat left us. We didn't have this problem as much over there because we were, for the most part, all aligned on the subject.
Which is why I now feel we need to dig into ALL the mods' history re: GAW. Total transparency is needed AT ALL TIMES. Also why I feel we need to be voting on who will represent us as mods for this site. It will definitely set us apart from the other .wins AND the other Great Awakening affiliated sites and somewhat elevate us as a TRULY Republic loving group if we can figure out how to hold elections for the mod team.
Just my 2 cents.
Thoughts, anyone?
there's always computer mods. Auto-mods are like that.
So you think it’s auto mod? Why remove a post about themself then? Why unban folks? Suspect in my book.