The tech of Looking Glass has been in the mainstream theoretical realms for a very long time. Not hard to believe it could have matured in covert settings and out of sight of the rest of us. Given this, I suspect what he is saying is true.
However, the missing piece is they really are not sure what it is they have. They think they know but they really don't. It is akin to seeing the effect of gravity and measuring it so you know it exists and what it does but you still can't explain exactly what it is. Today, we still can't tell you what gravity is.
So I suspect they still can't tell exactly what looking glass is either. There are other known theories besides the one described in John's article... similar but slightly different.
One such theory relates back the Dr. Neruda Interviews... specifically interview #5. The theory suggests the entire 3D bubble we live in can be infused with a program to create whatever is desired...exactly like one might create a video game, where all the options are defined. In otherwords, free will still exists but someone else controls all the options to choose from. In the Neruda Interview he describes this same program happens in the next bubble up after physical death (5D) (or heaven) where each soul is recycled back to 3D and resused. Very potent. Very effective. 100%.
A tangent on the Looking Glass Theory (as compared to Neruda Interview 5) is that Looking Glass is tapping into the REAL energy field outside of the controlled (programmed) bubble 1 and bubble 2. The true essence of God so to speak, The very fabric from which all realities are manifested from. The true source.
I know, all this is quite deep. Hard to comprehend. Yet, in certain scientific orbits this is common discussion. (Not mine btw) I am just a novice with a curious mind.
All that to say this. It could be the precipice where we find ourselves is this: Either we are close to establishing a nirvana (heaven on earth so to speak) or a nirvana for a select few where the rest of us are reduced to a restricted, controlled slaves. (Georgia Guide Stone stuff).
I have no idea exactly what we (the human race) needs to do about this other than force all these programs into the light where we might all decide together what to do with such tech. I'll just leave it with that.
The tech of Looking Glass has been in the mainstream theoretical realms for a very long time. Not hard to believe it could have matured in covert settings and out of sight of the rest of us. Given this, I suspect what he is saying is true.
However, the missing piece is they really are not sure what it is they have. They think they know but they really don't. It is akin to seeing the effect of gravity and measuring it so you know it exists and what it does but you still can't explain exactly what it is. Today, we still can't tell you what gravity is.
So I suspect they still can't tell exactly what looking glass is either. There are other known theories besides the one described in John's article... similar but slightly different.
One such theory relates back the Dr. Neruda Interviews... specifically interview #5. The theory suggests the entire 3D bubble we live in can be infused with a program to create whatever is desired...exactly like one might create a video game, where all the options are defined. In otherwords, free will still exists but someone else controls all the options to choose from. In the Neruda Interview he describes this same program happens in the next bubble up after physical death (5D) (or heaven) where each soul is recycled back to 3D and resused. Very potent. Very effective. 100%.
A tangent on the Looking Glass Theory (as compared to Neruda Interview 5) is that Looking Glass is tapping into the REAL energy field outside of the controlled (programmed) bubble 1 and bubble 2. The true essence of God so to speak, The very fabric from which all realities are manifested from. The true source.
I know, all this is quite deep. Hard to comprehend. Yet, in certain scientific orbits this is common discussion. (Not mine btw) I am just a novice with a curious mind.
All that to say this. It could be the precipice where we find ourselves is this: Either we are close to establishing a nirvana (heaven on earth so to speak) or a nirvana for a select few where the rest of us are reduced to a restricted, controlled slaves. (Georgia Guide Stone stuff).
I have no idea exactly what we (the human race) needs to do about this other than force all these programs into the light where we might all decide together what to do with such tech. I'll just leave it with that.