It may not be as hard as you think. What did Jesus do to the money changers in the temple? It's Christ-Like to be righteous, denounce the evils in this world and cut no one slack. Abortion, trafficking, gun control, taxes, fake money, homo/lesbian sex, tranny's, it's a long list be bold. Have you seen the new push on Jesus? He was/is a racist. REEEEEEEEEE
It may not be as hard as you think. What did Jesus do to the money changers in the temple? It's Christ-Like to be righteous, denounce the evils in this world and cut no one slack. Abortion, trafficking, gun control, taxes, fake money, homo/lesbian sex, tranny's, it's a long list be bold. Have you seen the new push on Jesus? He was/is a racist. REEEEEEEEEE