This is one institution and of that institution many of the victims remain silent in fear and in shame. The number of abused is surely much higher. Guess who the victims were - boys.
Between the boy scouts and the church alone we are talking millions of victims in a short period of time. Unfathomable to normies.
Since 1999, I've done many thousands of hours deep diving. I've read many tens of thousands of pages of court documents, studies, governmental reports, newspaper articles, and personal testimonies stretching back to the early 1800s. I've researched the US, the UK, Canada, Australia (you have no idea!), Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, and Thailand. I never got to Mexico or South America. Most people would hardly believe the stuff I have learned. Here is one example of something that has been erased from history. Back in the 30's, boys in a reformatory in (I think) Virginia, were being used for medical experimentation by eugenicists. It was sanctioned by the Progressive movement.
When I learned of Q last October, I didn't learn much that I didn't already know. The main thing I learned was that I wasn't alone in my knowledge and that there were others working to end it.
This is one institution and of that institution many of the victims remain silent in fear and in shame. The number of abused is surely much higher. Guess who the victims were - boys.
Between the boy scouts and the church alone we are talking millions of victims in a short period of time. Unfathomable to normies.
Largest Sexual Abuse Scandal in History
I know way to much about the subject :(
Since 1999, I've done many thousands of hours deep diving. I've read many tens of thousands of pages of court documents, studies, governmental reports, newspaper articles, and personal testimonies stretching back to the early 1800s. I've researched the US, the UK, Canada, Australia (you have no idea!), Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, and Thailand. I never got to Mexico or South America. Most people would hardly believe the stuff I have learned. Here is one example of something that has been erased from history. Back in the 30's, boys in a reformatory in (I think) Virginia, were being used for medical experimentation by eugenicists. It was sanctioned by the Progressive movement.
When I learned of Q last October, I didn't learn much that I didn't already know. The main thing I learned was that I wasn't alone in my knowledge and that there were others working to end it.