What really burns me about people who think everyone should get vaccinated is, if you are vaccinated, then you are protected, right? (I'm stating as if speaking to one of them) If you are protected, why do you care if someone else chooses not to be vaccinated? Shouldn't people be free to be un-vaccinated, since it would only pose a risk to other un-vaccinated people, who choose to take that risk?
Their warped thinking (I know because I used to be pro vaccine before I got educated) is that it's to protect those who can't get vaccinated such as cancer patients who are immunosuppressed.
That's the way the left always like to frame their arguments, "Ohh you must do this thing because it will affect a small minority of people". (ie abortion should be legal because what is the woman was raped? We should have genderless bathrooms because it hurts trannies' feelings that they feel excluded!).
What really burns me about people who think everyone should get vaccinated is, if you are vaccinated, then you are protected, right? (I'm stating as if speaking to one of them) If you are protected, why do you care if someone else chooses not to be vaccinated? Shouldn't people be free to be un-vaccinated, since it would only pose a risk to other un-vaccinated people, who choose to take that risk?
Their warped thinking (I know because I used to be pro vaccine before I got educated) is that it's to protect those who can't get vaccinated such as cancer patients who are immunosuppressed.
That's the way the left always like to frame their arguments, "Ohh you must do this thing because it will affect a small minority of people". (ie abortion should be legal because what is the woman was raped? We should have genderless bathrooms because it hurts trannies' feelings that they feel excluded!).
There's no personal responsibility with them.