The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves - Lenin.
They gain your trust by telling u a few things that resonate with u ( red tic tacs ). They plant seeds of doubt, sow division, and then when the time is right, they steer u away from the ultimate truths they are paid to protect ( big red pills like the pedodemic ).
Please walk me through logic... just because a guest is on a controlled opposition platform doesn’t mean the guest is automatically controlled opposition, too.
He's a Mossad disinformation agent; Always was. The deep state has used him up and discarded him like an old Kleenex, now he's trying desperately to sound relevant but most anons see right through it...
He was instrumental in waking me up, but he has definitely gone to the dark side. He was very upset after viewing what was on the Weiner laptop, and then all of a sudden, those videos were gone, and he denied saying the things he reported on. They got to him. I think he is controlled opposition.
He's like the wine cooler or stolen beer you jack from dad at 13. It's a nice entry point but after a couple you realize Boone ain't your bag and better alternatives exist.
I trusted AJ up until he interviewed Arron Russo, but sometime after that he seemed to have taken the wrong turn. Peddling half truths and fear, he's devolved into a huckster with with no real plan.
The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves - Lenin.
They gain your trust by telling u a few things that resonate with u ( red tic tacs ). They plant seeds of doubt, sow division, and then when the time is right, they steer u away from the ultimate truths they are paid to protect ( big red pills like the pedodemic ).
Please walk me through logic... just because a guest is on a controlled opposition platform doesn’t mean the guest is automatically controlled opposition, too.
Information warfare.
We all know where AJ stands: . If you don’t, re-read past drops.
Hey you dropped your shiny Xi quarter.
He's a Mossad disinformation agent; Always was. The deep state has used him up and discarded him like an old Kleenex, now he's trying desperately to sound relevant but most anons see right through it...
He was legitimate 15-20 years ago but has since been compromised into controlled opposition.
i knew when he 'snuck' into bohemian grove he was a lying POS ... no one sneaks in to bohemian grove
Can’t you just float down the Russian river? It is waterfront.
i'm not believing anyone not 'involved' can get that close
AJ is controlled opposition, AKA shill, division-fag, etc.
Trump asked who to setup what event?
Well? Trump asked who to setup what event?
AJ is controlled opposition, AKA shill, division-fag, etc.
Go read past drops if you are still confused.
He was instrumental in waking me up, but he has definitely gone to the dark side. He was very upset after viewing what was on the Weiner laptop, and then all of a sudden, those videos were gone, and he denied saying the things he reported on. They got to him. I think he is controlled opposition.
He's like the wine cooler or stolen beer you jack from dad at 13. It's a nice entry point but after a couple you realize Boone ain't your bag and better alternatives exist.
I trusted AJ up until he interviewed Arron Russo, but sometime after that he seemed to have taken the wrong turn. Peddling half truths and fear, he's devolved into a huckster with with no real plan.
I liked him at first but he showed that he is a phoney with all his anti Q bullshit and acting like he talked to President Trump all the time.
Paid off by the CIA