If you haven't prepared your home and family yet, during the next two weeks begin prepping for 3 to 4 weeks of Civil Unrest.
This does NOT mean total SHTF scenario.
Keep in mind that stores only maintain about a 2 to 3 day supply of inventory for the local community. If trucking is disrupted nationally, even if only 50% disrupted, it can put a serious kink in deliveries and store inventories. Consider also the local panic rush on the stores due to unrest... and you will see how fast commodities disappear from store shelves. Same goes for gasoline at service stations.
During civil unrest, the first thing authorities do is lock down travel. The easiest way to do that is control of interstates and restrict gasoline / fuel sales. Even if authorities don't intentionally block trucking, there are always unintended consequences.
I'm just advising that, over the next 2 weeks or so, go over your plans.
Make sure you have several 5-gallon gas cans topped off.
Get enough supplies so that you can be self-sufficient and aren't reliant on stores for up to 3 weeks. Don't worry about water and electricity. I don't think those will be affected. Mainly, stock up on what you need in case food or other supplies get cut off for a brief while.
If we have a presidential transition, followed immediately by another "presidential" transition, then an attempt by Pelosi at assuming power, then military steps in... it can all hit the fan. Imagine the unrest in some major cities. Now imagine the steps needed to contain it and calm it back down. Now imagine you have to run to the store to get supplies during that time. Yup. Don't be that guy.
I bought all the powdered water I could find. I'm good.