These are NOT vaccines as the word is supposed to mean. They do NOT alter transmission. They just lessen the symptoms if you get it, in theory preventing deaths. In theory.
And we already have therapeutics available that do the exact same thing, only better. These medications have gone through years of testing to make sure they are safe. And even in most cases these aren't even necessary. My sister and her whole family of 5 got COVID in November. It was like a bad cold/mild flu for them. The worst thing that happened is my sister lost her sense of smell/taste for a month. Heck my 95 year old grandmother got it and recovered without any problems.
And for those that DO have issues recovering, Zinc, HCQ, Ivermectic, and a few other drugs are shown to do wonders in lessening symptoms. In one study that I read, therapeutic treatments got hospitalizations down to zero. There is literally no need for these poison injections.
I had pertussis twice as an adult and still had to take the vaccine for work. In an adult, it is exhausting to cough so much, but not as bad as many other things.
These are NOT vaccines as the word is supposed to mean. They do NOT alter transmission. They just lessen the symptoms if you get it, in theory preventing deaths. In theory.
And we already have therapeutics available that do the exact same thing, only better. These medications have gone through years of testing to make sure they are safe. And even in most cases these aren't even necessary. My sister and her whole family of 5 got COVID in November. It was like a bad cold/mild flu for them. The worst thing that happened is my sister lost her sense of smell/taste for a month. Heck my 95 year old grandmother got it and recovered without any problems.
And for those that DO have issues recovering, Zinc, HCQ, Ivermectic, and a few other drugs are shown to do wonders in lessening symptoms. In one study that I read, therapeutic treatments got hospitalizations down to zero. There is literally no need for these poison injections.
There's a new one which will have the added benefit of making a lot of money for its developer. Curiously, it comes in a red pill. Really.
I had pertussis twice as an adult and still had to take the vaccine for work. In an adult, it is exhausting to cough so much, but not as bad as many other things.