Cuomo hasn't finished his negotiations with the NWO Clinton's to exit gracefully. He still has leverage, like who ordered the nursing home genocide of our elderly over six + states? Inquiring minds want to know: Who gave the order? I smell a fatal accident coming his way if the exit negotiations over his misdemeanor sexual malfeasance are not settled soon. Advice: Take the check, so what if it's not the Al Gore retirement package. Gore, after all had a higher profile ... Vice President / Presidential Candidate.
And if you don’t think the NSA/Space Force is recording these conversations... I’ll bet you’re wrong! ?
Why wait, we all wonder? Oh, just the little things like phone calls with Democrats blaming each other for intentionally murdering thousands of nursing home patients, and haggling over the hush money to keep it quiet. Little thing like that.
Cuomo hasn't finished his negotiations with the NWO Clinton's to exit gracefully. He still has leverage, like who ordered the nursing home genocide of our elderly over six + states? Inquiring minds want to know: Who gave the order? I smell a fatal accident coming his way if the exit negotiations over his misdemeanor sexual malfeasance are not settled soon. Advice: Take the check, so what if it's not the Al Gore retirement package. Gore, after all had a higher profile ... Vice President / Presidential Candidate.
And if you don’t think the NSA/Space Force is recording these conversations... I’ll bet you’re wrong! ?
Why wait, we all wonder? Oh, just the little things like phone calls with Democrats blaming each other for intentionally murdering thousands of nursing home patients, and haggling over the hush money to keep it quiet. Little thing like that.