I don’t find any specific Q posts about Dem infighting, but Cuomo seems to be defying his handlers by refusing to step down. Admittedly he’s following the Ralph Northam/Justin Fairfax playbook, but it can’t be making the establishment happy.
If you can force yourself to see his side, fighting back makes sense. You do what you were told to drive up Covid deaths to help steal the election and this is the thanks you get. It’s understandable he is fighting back. Then add in the rumor Harris is trying to knock out potential primary opponents so there will love be more attacks on other Dems, we could be on the verge of a Democratic Party/DS civil war.
Cuomo is disposable goyim.
Cuomo is fighting because he hopes he can earn back the trust of his master-race puppeteers in the hopes of becoming George Soros' house-Negro rather than George Soros' field-Negro in the post Great Reset New World Order.
The moment he becomes more trouble than he's worth, the media will stab him in the back and replace him with another disposable goyim puppet.
This won't be a moment of victory because the Kabbalists are now blatantly stealing elections which means we've largely lost the battle for the hearts and minds of normies.
If the military don't get involved soon, our only way out will be civil war AND that's exactly what the Kabbala banking goblins want: for Americans to eat each other. They will masturbate to the livestreams of America burning and consider it a pleasing sacrifice to Moloch.