posted ago by y000danon ago by y000danon +32 / -2
  1. Roll out Stimulus after Stimulus and literally degrade / collapse the USD

  2. Dovetail USD degradation into Commodity shortages & Energy Crisis ( Texas was a drill )

  3. Make Vaccination and Weapons buy-backs a requirement to government subsidy. As these economic ripples happen use any notion of aid as incentive to force capitulation into the New World Order system.

  4. once currencies are completely shit up - kick off a war. Best done by straight up nuking North Korea / South Korea.

  5. Korean Peninsula gone means CCP has technological lock on High Tech Manufacturing. Complete the extraction of FoxConn to CCP.

  6. Wake of Nukes = UN New World Order and we see the Book of Revelations Global Tyranny come to life

  7. The Great Reset:

  • Currencies dissolved for a global digital currency
  • vaccines tied to implantable Radio Frequency ID tied to 6G network that can make every living thing or otherwise network addressable.
  • We see the world cut apart into districts much like Hunger Games ( whose author admitted she was trying to red pill young adults with AGENDA21 ). Each district maintains a society steering each subsection of whatever previous culture ever-closer to a global cultural homogeny.
  • The IG Farben / Death Camp / Literal Nazi Medical Fascism chemically lobotomizes the world into perpetual compliance based in a core of humanism like we saw Aldous Huxley ( families tied to UNESCO ) describe in Brave New World.
  1. Georgia Guidestones Realized:
  • Vaccines introduce pharmacological vectors of control. Life spans are closely controlled. Monsanto model introduced to humans. Nobody has a child without NWO approval. Children of Men.
  • Population dropped to 500k
  • Elites prosper while Neo-fuedalism becomes the only thing generation after generation has ever known. Liberty itself only exists in glimpses between doses of Soma given to quiet any remnant of Individualism that dare spark.
  1. H G Wells Time Machine Realized:
  • Morlocks: Elites evolve into their own literal race using genetics and access to real meat. They continue consumption of not just preying on peasants figuratively - but literally breeding and harvesting humans for food. Humans are bred into new races to literally satisfy cravings on a market to the cannibal elite.
  • Eloi: peasants are bred into decreasing Intellect and fed plant based diets /w synthetic meats to control, industrialize, and se-humanize them to the elites. They become literal cattle.
  1. Jesus comes home.