Thermite is typically used as an incendiary. "Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area." -wiki
Directed Energy Weapons exist. Could those have been used?
Nanothermite is an exotic material engineered at the atom scale at Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Labs for military applications. That’s what was found in the dust samples from WTC.
A combustible paper bible page fused with metal from the museum Even Snopes can't deboooonk.
Firefighters were walking through water in contact with the 'molten metal'. Many highly unusual phenomena at this crime - solved in a couple hours - and used to kick off another endless, money making war and associated bureaucracies, policy changes and much more.
Thermite is typically used as an incendiary. "Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area." -wiki Directed Energy Weapons exist. Could those have been used?
Nanothermite is an exotic material engineered at the atom scale at Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Labs for military applications. That’s what was found in the dust samples from WTC.
There is little evidence of high heat being involved in the destruction of the WTC.
What? There were literally rivers of molten steel underground for days!
A combustible paper bible page fused with metal from the museum Even Snopes can't deboooonk. Firefighters were walking through water in contact with the 'molten metal'. Many highly unusual phenomena at this crime - solved in a couple hours - and used to kick off another endless, money making war and associated bureaucracies, policy changes and much more.