Love how she is using the word Thermite. Prompts a lot of discussions between truthers and the asleep doesn't it. On the day of 9/11 I watched molten steel pour off the building into the street. The media showed it and that was my moment. What am I looking at. I wouldn't stop looking at this year after year, needing an answer. Then it came Nano thermite. NIST said there were no explosives but they didn't test for explosives lol! Thermite red pilled me in 2001, well put me on a path anyway .
I hope the young man who was murdered receives justice and for the thousands that died on that terrible day in 2001 - I hope this is just the beginning. It was clearly more than a car accident and Sidney as weight to my suspicions.
Love how she is using the word Thermite. Prompts a lot of discussions between truthers and the asleep doesn't it. On the day of 9/11 I watched molten steel pour off the building into the street. The media showed it and that was my moment. What am I looking at. I wouldn't stop looking at this year after year, needing an answer. Then it came Nano thermite. NIST said there were no explosives but they didn't test for explosives lol! Thermite red pilled me in 2001, well put me on a path anyway .
I hope the young man who was murdered receives justice and for the thousands that died on that terrible day in 2001 - I hope this is just the beginning. It was clearly more than a car accident and Sidney as weight to my suspicions.