I don't think they are having trouble understanding the perspective angles, I think they are assuming the wrong things about the architecture. ...along with wanting to believe Biden is anywhere but the Shite House. (Holy shit, that's a legit typo! But I'm leaving it because that's what it is with a turd inside. Kekity kek!)
The 2nd story architecture of the actual White House West Wing from the Garden Entrance is NOT a full 2nd story. This is what everyone is assuming/remembering. From the street it is a full 2 stories (maybe a bit more), but from the Garden side, it is 1 + 1/4 stories (or 1 full story & a 2nd story that is terraced). In other words, the 2nd story that most are assuming looks the same as the street side is actually a quarter-story/raised ceiling with normal-width but short-height windows. The whole second story is very short. It is also significantly inset off the edge of the 1st story wall by quite a distance, moreso than I thought--At least by a whole hallway or room's width.
The whole 2nd story from the garden side is short & inset enough to get cut off by perspective if viewed from a close enough camera placement.
Knowing & comparing to the actual Garden-Side West Wing White House structure (use photo references from aerial & other angles, not just the two given & your memory), the camera placements, FOVs, & angles of both photos actually work out & the argument that the buildings in both photos are the same is plausible.
I know because I made the same assumption about the 2nd story, and when I went to verify whether my memory of the architecture was correct, I found that I was mistaken. I actually agreed with Mike overall (that the Biden House looks the same as the White House from Trump's term), but I thought these could be two different entrances at different wing areas instead of two different perspectives. I had to be sure of the architecture to verify my own theory, though, and I ended up proving him right when I set out to correct him.
Fucking Kek.
Internet culture at it's finest! I'm sorry I doubted you, senpai.
You know that INTJ meme where they always sit in front of the computer writing & constructing complex arguments that prove people wrong because they cannot allow a comment with false information to exist unopposed on the internet? I feel like I've been out-INTJed. I'll be damned. Kek.
Spez: Here are better photos for the multitudes who are too lazy to google good angles for themselves:
P.S. I am only making my conclusions based on the cropped & edited pictures OP gave us. I don't know where to find the originals, (or feel like looking them up, to be frank), which would allow me to see the full picture & background uncropped/edited (not necessary, but helpful to keep things more in context).
P.P.S. For Keks' sake, I dare you all to downvote me. I get that we don't want to believe Biden is really president, but we shouldn't stick our heads up our asses regarding things mathematically verifiable. I estimated the math in my head. I did exactly this sort of shit for my master's thesis in optics, and I can do the math on paper to work it out. IF I AM WRONG, TAKE AWAY MY FUCKING DEGREE, lol.
Also, Please note, this does not prove that Biden is not in an exceptionally accurate model White House, but unless the background is 'shopped in from a very similar angle (possible, but less likely than the theory that Biden is in the literal gilded cage surrounded by literal guards), it is unlikely.
i was getting pretty frustrated over this issue because i knew what was happening with the pictures, but i lack writing skills. i struggle to put the right words together to form a solid argument... thats why i drew the picture lol.
i made a video trying to explain what i was getting at, its uploading now
What am I missing here, because from what I can see the first photographer seems to be standing further back. Compare number of columns and window heights.
The first photographer should be able to see the 2nd floor better.
I saw that already, what I am saying is that you have the photographers positions swapped. The top is taken from further back (note the relative size of the windows in the background and the wider field of view). Thus the top photograph SHOULD have the better angle to see the 2nd floor.
God bless you. This is what I was noticing. All the crap about the second story was just noise. You posting this, made me look closer. They are there. Moving on! Thanks.
There are many here that are having a problem understanding how camera angles are at play in these two photos.
It's a pretty crude sketch but it will explain why the 2nd floor can't be seen in one of the pictures.
I don't think they are having trouble understanding the perspective angles, I think they are assuming the wrong things about the architecture. ...along with wanting to believe Biden is anywhere but the Shite House. (Holy shit, that's a legit typo! But I'm leaving it because that's what it is with a turd inside. Kekity kek!)
The 2nd story architecture of the actual White House West Wing from the Garden Entrance is NOT a full 2nd story. This is what everyone is assuming/remembering. From the street it is a full 2 stories (maybe a bit more), but from the Garden side, it is 1 + 1/4 stories (or 1 full story & a 2nd story that is terraced). In other words, the 2nd story that most are assuming looks the same as the street side is actually a quarter-story/raised ceiling with normal-width but short-height windows. The whole second story is very short. It is also significantly inset off the edge of the 1st story wall by quite a distance, moreso than I thought--At least by a whole hallway or room's width.
The whole 2nd story from the garden side is short & inset enough to get cut off by perspective if viewed from a close enough camera placement.
Knowing & comparing to the actual Garden-Side West Wing White House structure (use photo references from aerial & other angles, not just the two given & your memory), the camera placements, FOVs, & angles of both photos actually work out & the argument that the buildings in both photos are the same is plausible.
I know because I made the same assumption about the 2nd story, and when I went to verify whether my memory of the architecture was correct, I found that I was mistaken. I actually agreed with Mike overall (that the Biden House looks the same as the White House from Trump's term), but I thought these could be two different entrances at different wing areas instead of two different perspectives. I had to be sure of the architecture to verify my own theory, though, and I ended up proving him right when I set out to correct him.
Fucking Kek.
Internet culture at it's finest! I'm sorry I doubted you, senpai.
You know that INTJ meme where they always sit in front of the computer writing & constructing complex arguments that prove people wrong because they cannot allow a comment with false information to exist unopposed on the internet? I feel like I've been out-INTJed. I'll be damned. Kek.
Spez: Here are better photos for the multitudes who are too lazy to google good angles for themselves:
Overall Aerial: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/W7FY7B/aerial-view-of-the-white-house-washington-dc-W7FY7B.jpg
West Wing Aerial Garden-Side Close-Up: https://www.jfklibrary.org/sites/default/files/archives/JFKWHP/1962/Month%2007/Day%2008/JFKWHP-1962-07-08-A/JFKWHP-KN-C22687.jpg
West Wing Garden Grounds View (from a bit further back than the Biden photo was taken, which allows you to see more of the short/inset 2nd story): https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/c_fill,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F200510173815-02-white-house-west-wing-file.jpg
West Wing Street View (where you see the full 2+ stories): https://assets.realclear.com/images/42/422707_5_.jpg
P.S. I am only making my conclusions based on the cropped & edited pictures OP gave us. I don't know where to find the originals, (or feel like looking them up, to be frank), which would allow me to see the full picture & background uncropped/edited (not necessary, but helpful to keep things more in context).
P.P.S. For Keks' sake, I dare you all to downvote me. I get that we don't want to believe Biden is really president, but we shouldn't stick our heads up our asses regarding things mathematically verifiable. I estimated the math in my head. I did exactly this sort of shit for my master's thesis in optics, and I can do the math on paper to work it out. IF I AM WRONG, TAKE AWAY MY FUCKING DEGREE, lol.
Also, Please note, this does not prove that Biden is not in an exceptionally accurate model White House, but unless the background is 'shopped in from a very similar angle (possible, but less likely than the theory that Biden is in the literal gilded cage surrounded by literal guards), it is unlikely.
LMAO to your post script.
i was getting pretty frustrated over this issue because i knew what was happening with the pictures, but i lack writing skills. i struggle to put the right words together to form a solid argument... thats why i drew the picture lol.
i made a video trying to explain what i was getting at, its uploading now
What am I missing here, because from what I can see the first photographer seems to be standing further back. Compare number of columns and window heights.
The first photographer should be able to see the 2nd floor better.
You're missing Mike Rothschild trying to shill you lol
This might help
I saw that already, what I am saying is that you have the photographers positions swapped. The top is taken from further back (note the relative size of the windows in the background and the wider field of view). Thus the top photograph SHOULD have the better angle to see the 2nd floor.
i went back and looked at the picture, i was right the first time. the top photo is from the photographer closest to the whitehouse.
i may have their position swapped, but the argument still applies
Also have to consider that the further one back has to zoom in
Bruh if they were further away but had to zoom, the windows still wouldn't be smaller.
did you not see my drawing
the decorative pieces above the columns are there in both pictures. look again.
I voted you up for telling me to look again I opened the image in it's own page they're definitely there.
God bless you. This is what I was noticing. All the crap about the second story was just noise. You posting this, made me look closer. They are there. Moving on! Thanks.
I did, they're there in some form or other. But there's no windows, there's air conditioning equipment and open sky.
In light of this photograph from another thread I agree it's the perspectives,
I was wrong you're right about it not being in Culver City but it's the real white house.
im having a hard time explaining what i mean, so i made a video. its uploading now. il share when its up
Bruh! As others stated below, the first one is further away and the windows are smaller, so it isn't zoom.
My first thought bt was that maybe to was the angle but your drawing proved to me that that isn't it. Thanks for the drawing.
Look at the fucking building's facade. You can't fake missing pieces, anon.
Here's a picture from 2009 where the corbels are also very hard to see because of a lack of angled sunlight.
The corbels are there in both pictures, it's just hard to see in top one because there is no shadows. Go look again, you'll see.