That would be 10 % of the population that voted for Xiden “thinking” he would actually do what he said he would do. (All Lies as we knew he would since he’s all DS all the time) These are the old Moderate/Dems that just could not vote Trump due to his “abrasiveness” I do believe these are the few that we need to “Awaken” however they are struggling with truth, I have tried and some are coming around it’s more they have been told false lies all their lives, that’s tough to find out.
Does it matter WHY they are voted for him? In the 50s and 60s a lot of commies actually believed the Russian propaganda when the spied on our nascent nation on behalf of their fellow commies. Didn't stop them from getting executed when they were caught. Same fate should befall on these people too. I know they are family and all, but really, NO quarter should be given to any of these traitors.
You can find a new family. You cannot find a new nation. None like our beloved USA anyway
Not only that, but you should REPORT them as traitors when the tribunals start. We should all do our part in unmasking the collaborators
That would be 10 % of the population that voted for Xiden “thinking” he would actually do what he said he would do. (All Lies as we knew he would since he’s all DS all the time) These are the old Moderate/Dems that just could not vote Trump due to his “abrasiveness” I do believe these are the few that we need to “Awaken” however they are struggling with truth, I have tried and some are coming around it’s more they have been told false lies all their lives, that’s tough to find out.
Does it matter WHY they are voted for him? In the 50s and 60s a lot of commies actually believed the Russian propaganda when the spied on our nascent nation on behalf of their fellow commies. Didn't stop them from getting executed when they were caught. Same fate should befall on these people too. I know they are family and all, but really, NO quarter should be given to any of these traitors.
You can find a new family. You cannot find a new nation. None like our beloved USA anyway