Beyond replacing vaccine liquid (just like Kyle did in "South ParQ" episode) and using fake syringes:
"There will be 3 Types of Med Beds.I know one of them reverses Vaccine Damage. If you have any Children on the Spectrum they will reverse this too. Everything will be cured. Cancer, Motor Neuron Diseases like MND, MS, Cerebral Palsy etc. 6000 Cures are coming in 1 big hit."
"All MED BEDS on Planet Earth by Middle of the year. When EVENT happens its All Go Stations. RENAISSANCE PART DEUX."
"Ripping out all the books from schools & burning them in the streets. Exactly what they did in the 1700's Renaissance. Will be ripping all Hospital Technology out of hospitals just like POTUS said that ALL Hospital equipment will be Obsolete by the end of last year. This Planet is about to be fully Re-wired in Unfathomable ways. RE-BIRTH Part 2."
BTW, just discovered this channel (from another one on Telegram), seems interesting. Each post has a forum to gather more info.
I can justify the creation and push for the vaccine initially under this guise. I can't justify the continued push now. He can talk about how our future would be even more bleak without it and I fully believe it, but once he says "we should get the shot" that is when my brain starts screaming. I just can't justify that behavior rationally given all my research.
As someone who works in the field I was an initial fan of the technology. However, I was never a fan of the method of implementation. I am most certainly not a fan of the results I have found. I know that the data is hidden, and I know that hiding data in this manner is a direct violation of one of our greatest laws protecting our inalienable rights.
But I am just a flea in this war. I know nothing. I will continue to have faith until such faith cannot be justified by what I see (beyond just a couple errant statements). I can only say that when he says these things my faith wavers, but that's on me.