So, Current Status As I See It.
We are an extremely divided nation, in multiple ways, left and right, people and government, capitalism and socialism, regular people and elite.
Our economic status is extremely alarming. We are driving ourselves further and further into debt, while inflation on every day items grows higher and higher. Dollars are losing value, as if they ever had any since we abandoned gold standard. Fiat gonna be fiat.
Our political environment is also extremely alarming, stripping freedoms, mandated orders, police and military backing to an extent, or so it seems. Government officials have clearly shown they care about no one but themselves, except for very few. Election was rigged, almost everybody I know, knows it. I do live in a primarily red area, so there is a bias there, but even still I am still going to say more people believe it than don't. Nothing seems to be working, supreme court has shown it doesn't care... supposedly... our legislative branch is as corrupt as can be. And THE PEOPLE, who are supposed to be #1 in this country, have become dead last, so it seems...
The, "Plandemic" is a hoax. I don't care what anyone says, it is literally a joke. Literally A Joke. Not even a very funny one, because it is driven by fear. And everyone in our local, state, and national government keeps the charade going, further perpetuating the nonsense all while stripping even more rights away from us in the process. Masks don't work, they never did, and there is still no evidence they do. But yet people are getting arrested now over it. The vaccine is killing people left and right, worldwide. Doctors speaking out about it are being silenced at every opportunity.
Places of work are becoming a strange place to be, all the while, the younger generations coming into the workforce are getting lazier and lazier, I have been witnessing this with my own eyes and hearing about it from my family and friends at thier places of work, common phrase being, "They Just Don't Want To Work"... and it is true, and honestly, can you blame them? What are they working toward? Do goals even exist anymore? Maybe for some, but the indoctrination camps known as schools, have been having to teach a curriculum that is socialist to the core, encouraging our children NOT TO STRIVE FOR SUCCESS, but yet just, PATRICIPATION Points... Everyone gets a trophy... How does that all work out at work?? Where is that going???
Our media is lying to us, very alarming to me all of the time, reminds me of straight communist rule, and makes me feel like a man in a box that is being called, "The Authorized World We Want You To Believe Is Real"... Pretty Much Exactly Like The Truman Show. I see people get upset about it, but feel powerless. I see people believe it, and that is scary. They have lost the narritive as a whole in my opinion, but yet they continue to operate... HOW!?!?! I have no idea. Lies though, All Lies. That's all I ever see from it. And I know it. Because they all refuse to recognize what is known to be true. We were hosed in this last election. Proving to America, and The World, we have no real voice. Mountains of evidence... dismissed as, "moot"... Seriously....? Lies Everywhere.
And The Children. I'm not even going to go that far in an explanation on what they are doing to our children. Because this is where the line is for me personally. I have a very difficult time restraining myself about this topic because it makes me so incredibly angry. All that is going on involving the children. And to think, Hunter's Daddy is sitting in a Chair HE Stole, supposedly... while his son, goes and fiddles and diddles... So Infuriating. For reals. I cannot speak more on this exact topic.
And here's what I want to know? Where does this all go? I could list many more things too, but for times sake, I think I painted a decent picture for my purpose on this question. Where does this all go?? Where??? What gets us out of this mess?? Does the mess continue to be made, until it just doesn't anymore?? Does somebody fix it?? Can it even be fixed?? Seriously?? This is all huge stuff to me?? Like incredibly huge!?! We even found out our damn country is not even a country!!! It's A Corporation Not Even Owned By Us!!! What the hell is going on??? I'm at an odds here. What happens next? Just a continuing on of watching everything we have ever thought to be morally right and worked our entire lives for, go straight into the ground and be obliterated?? Does our military do the job?? There isn't even a real precedent set for them to even be called into action against domestic enemies, that's some severely tricky business. I have looked into it, even Lincoln supposedly was in the wrong when he did it in the case, Milligan v the united states, over an unlawful military tribunal. Does Syndey Powell prove the election was stolen?? And would that even fix anything?? In my opinion, she as well as many others have already proven it. Numerous times!! Seriously, what fixes this crapshow?? Dare I say, WE FIX IT??? because if I do that, then I become wanted by the government!!! And given a DT title. It's just all so weird anymore to me. And there only seems to grow more questions than answers. Like the TV show LOST. Wondering and Wandering... Seeing things that should not be, taking place without any repercussions... supposedly.
Where does all this go, is my question. Has been for a while. Probably on some of your minds too.. Thing is, when I think about the trajectory or our current and ever-growing situation... the landing spot of this baseball seems to be heading straight toward mulching machine... I hope I am so wrong. I really do. But for reals... Where does all this go?
Who cares about economic output? The blue cities have no food, no water, little power. Embargoed they'd only last a few months. The 99% won't be worrying about the elites downturn in economic profits. Red States have it all Remember. Blue state's base is in the cities And cities just consume and only produce finished goods using supplies from the blue states. This won't be an economic contest. It's about survival.
I used to think CA's economy was big because of agriculture, but it isn't. The money is in banking, insurance, tech (obviously), and other areas. It is surprisingly diverse.
CA is VERY vulnerable to water supply; water controlled by Colorado and Arizona.
If we want to REALLY hit our enemies, we should all stop buying Chinese made iPhones, laptops, etc!