People spend tons and tons of money on something just to feel different for the day/night. But once the next day comes around, reality strikes back and we are left feeling crappy, aka a hangover. Even worse, society pushes through advertising on how "great" it is through luxurious marketing. When really, there is nothing about it that makes it awesome. This is only my honest opinion on this commodity. I respect everyone's opinion as each individual is different in their own unique way. It was always something I thought recently after being awakened to the world at large.
If this seems like a doomer post, I offer my sincere apologies as that was never my intention!
I'm of the millennial generation. I started drinking at 14 and drank a LOT in high school. Got into some other drugs (never the heavy heavy stuff). I was always worried I would become an alcoholic but over and over, I found I just didn't like alcohol. I had horrible experiences with it. But I kept doing it to party and hang out with people. But I would make terrible decisions that I would regret the next day. I'd wake up with a hangover. And I got so disgustingly sick, World Spinning, so many times. And then I'd want to do things like play ping-pong, play Halo 3 (lol), play a game of chess, or things like that, and we would drink and I just SUCKED at all of it. Because the loss of hand-eye coordination. Overall what I hate most about alcohol is the loss of 'control,' generally. Both physically and mentally. Calling girls at midnight trying to hook up with them and they're in bed. Trying to kiss girls outside the bar, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't but I always felt empty about it the next day.
Last year my friend died of liver failure. Too much drinking and pills in our teens and twenties. He did a lot worse than me, more. And kept going after I stopped.
All drugs have downsides. In the end I don't really think any of them are worth it. My favorites now are nicotine and caffeine. Could never give those up. Otherwise I spend my days and nights sober.