I think there are things going on, BIG things, that [they] are keeping, or trying to keep, from people hearing about. They want us afraid. [they] feed on fear. [they] don't want us to have hope.
Rainer Fuellmich is a lawyer practising in California and Germany. He has filed and won the Diesel lawsuit vs. VW over here. He has set up a committee of inquiry on corona here in Germany. Since around April last year they are gathering and hearing all sorts of wittnesses. There are conections to lawyers and lawsuits in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, Namibia, Australia trying to demolish the Drosten-PCR-tests and their assumed validity to prove an infection. They are connecting people all over the world to fight against this assault on the people.
So court sessions have taken place but what does that mean? They actually have a chance of taking this to the tribunal?
I think there are things going on, BIG things, that [they] are keeping, or trying to keep, from people hearing about. They want us afraid. [they] feed on fear. [they] don't want us to have hope.
Likely wolves in sheeps clothing to discourage further class action? What's the background of the Fuellmich, Goldsmith & Hammerstein law firm?
I´m from Germany so please excuse my English.
Rainer Fuellmich is a lawyer practising in California and Germany. He has filed and won the Diesel lawsuit vs. VW over here. He has set up a committee of inquiry on corona here in Germany. Since around April last year they are gathering and hearing all sorts of wittnesses. There are conections to lawyers and lawsuits in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, Namibia, Australia trying to demolish the Drosten-PCR-tests and their assumed validity to prove an infection. They are connecting people all over the world to fight against this assault on the people.
For those who understand German (don`t know about the quality of translator-sites): https://corona-ausschuss.de https://www.corodok.de