Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 (revised under Obama)
This is a nod to us patriots "in the know."
Notice the upper right...
Nice work, Lurk.
Post moar
Now do public schools
Saving [them] for last.
Protect your DNA
...and Troy Aikman
Usually [they] say "it's for the children!"
And why public schools are so often used for raising taxes, yet U.S. edu consistently ranks poorly among advanced nations
Neither the IRS nor the Federal Reserve have ever been audited, since their inception in 1913
He's still a glowfag tho
I lived in Denver metro from 1980-2005 (age 12-37) before returning to Florida. I believe those were the best times Colorado, especially Denver, ever enjoyed during that era... and that I bailed just in time.
Sad, really.
Updoot for "cat piss drenched"
I recall when a few women I knew voted for Bill Clinton bc he was on Oprah, was "good looking" and played the sax on Arsenio Hall
One of my top ten Q posts, dark as it may seem
My ninja!
I salute you o7
Saving Israel for last
Or the part in charge of pulling out of Afghanistan kek
Knowing this "movie" has long been scripted, perhaps Kemp has been an asset all along?
What makes a good movie?
Future proves past, we had more than we knew
fren, why charge other countries for life changing tech? Kinda defeats the purpose of our great awakening (ww)
We are living in The Plan.
All part of it.
What makes a great movie?
"have you ever looked into Muammar Gaddafi?"
"then you will know why Killary was smiling as she said, we came, we saw, HE died. 'they' murdered him because he was trying to remove the central bank from his land."
Those bundles of sticks and pork offal are obviously infected with parasites.... thus the name
I'll assume we have it all includes this