I can't be the only one who has absolutely no faith in the vast majority of people, right? This post will come off as black-pilled to many of you but it is not my intent to be a doomer or to inspire negativity in any of you. I'm simply looking for an intellectually honest conversation about what exactly we're waiting for to happen in the near-future.
To be upfront, I haven't been around much the past month and a half or so due to work and other life circumstances, so it's entirely possible that I've missed out on some key events, Q drops, etc. If so, I would love to hear if there's a new current set of expectations in the Q community that I'm not aware of. However, based upon my recent lurking it seems to me that nobody else is really certain what to expect either. It looks as if we're just waiting for this whole charade to become so overwhelmingly obvious that even the most blue-pilled idiot is forced to reexamine reality.
I don't know about the rest of you, but after being awake for many years I hold zero expectations that the average person will ever awaken from their slumber. The idea that they ever would seems completely contradictory to all of the evidence we see and personal experiences that I've had. It seems much more likely to me that the majority of people will walk off the cliffs if commanded to do so by our oligarchs. I don't say that from a place of intellectual or moral superiority or anything like that but rather just as a matter of fact. It just is what it is.
This comes back to what we think Q is waiting for. The military is the only way right? That's been said to be the case from the start? Ok, so what is the military (and by military I of course mean the small faction of people on the inside supposedly fighting back against the cabal) waiting for? If not waiting on your average Joe to wake the hell up, then what? And how long are we all willing to sit on the sidelines waiting for them to do something?
It should go without saying that waiting until you're being dragged into the gulag is too little too late. I want to emphasize that this is by no means a call to violence. But I would like you all to really reflect on how long you're willing to put up with this nonsense. My concern is that we wait far too long to start taking the initiative on our end because we're banking on the military to come save us and they never show.
Back in January I said that I was willing to wait through March for these white hats to make their move and then if nothing did I would just proceed with my life as if it Q didn't exist. Not because I don't hope that there are still good guys in high places putting up a resistance but because from my end it doesn't make a difference if they exist or not. I just have to keep moving forward regardless of if they do. Sitting back and "enjoying the show" just doesn't suit me personally.
As a veteran, this is because we let homosexuals take over our armed forces. A lack of morality and being held to identical standards as heterosexuals is a slippery slope to hell.