Every single promoted narrative by the Democrats and the MSM, for the last 12 years has been designed to start a race war. The Elites have stolen everything and want to make the races and newly divided classes kill each other so the Elites can swoop in and FIX everything by enslaving us all. That's the whole deal here folks. Everything else is the HOW. This isn't their first rodeo. They've been at this hard for at least 150 years. Now is when they're actually capable of pulling it all off, the whole enchilada, place the whole planet under a regime of tyranny that'll take a massive solar EMP to undo....and instead of protecting the American people and the Constitution, the "Military" is picking and inciting a class war with women and men by attacking Tucker Carlson. Elite fighting force? Looking more like the keystone cops if you ask me. Hopefully its a feignt, or we're depending on some PC bastards with no balls to save us. As a woman, I'm sick as fuck of these dumbass men! Real women like real men! The rest of this is a managerie of emotional and psychological perversion designed to divide and enslave. Weakness is absolutely personified in the woke culture. I HATE WEAK MEN!!
I'd give anything for anyone to prove me wrong. But you won't. For 5 years I've told my detractors and even family that nothing would make me happier than for someone to prove me wrong so i could "Cypher" my way back to normalcy, still no takers...if only...
"As a woman, I'm sick as fuck of these dumbass men! Real women like real men!" I wholeheartedly agree.
"Weakness is absolutely personified in the woke culture. I HATE WEAK MEN!!" I'm so tired of seeing males (I can't call them men) in masks in my very rural, very red community with no mask mandate and no stores that require masks. It's disheartening to see how many willingly joined the victim class. There are a lot of men who don't wear masks, but I've been surprised at how many pansies live here.
They're not thinking, but rather operating from fear, and with respect to the virus mostly from fear of dying, as if that's the worst thing that can happen to someone.
I don't choose from this bunch, and live in peace and joy with my cats and horses.