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I'd be happy with Moderna. I won't touch AstraZeneca. I am not an anti-vaxxer, but as a healthy 46-year old, I'm not in any rush to get my shot either. I will happily wait for Moderna or Pfizer or J&J over AstraZeneca.
Honestly this is like calmly discussing which brand of firearm you'd like used in your execution. Missing the point entirely.
There is NO VACCINE NEEDED for a "disease" with over a 99.5% survival rate and a ready cure (HCQ) that's been proven safe over 70 years and costs next to nothing. The dangers of the vaccine, like those of the mask and the lockdowns and the antisocial distancing, far outstrip the danger of the virus itself.
"MORE CASES!!!" = 85% false positive tests, deliberately made so by cycling the test beyond the 35 cycle maximum, up to 40 and beyond, in a desperate attempt to show a positive result; people dying in motorcycle crashes are labeled as dying of covid; flu, pneumonia deaths are conflated with covid; 85% of people who contract the virus were wearing the mask constantly.
Actually the spanish flu lasted nearly two years.
Spanish flu was caused by giving the military and the surplus public too many vaccines after the war.
Acktschyuwally, if it happened now a hundred years later it wouldn't last years because med tech and knowledge have evolved .in the past century somewhat