Will not provide link- don’t need to watch- it’s bad. End rant.
Oh and I’ll datefag all day long that something big is gonna happen during March madness/stpattys/idesofmarch/April fools/sunshine week/etc month! hope this movie takes a plot twist or something jumps out from behind a curtain rightaboutnow.
Actually, it is feminism. It's always been about subjugating men and destroying the good in women.
Hide your daughters, people!
Right about NOW, funk soul brother!!!
So superbowl and grammys have both now done the most explicit and awful very boldly demonic show WTH AMERICA WAKE UP this gets worse every time and its obvious their 'shows' are rituals This has to be a total brain takeover or maybe total SOUL takeover if anyone who cant see how satanic this is. Its so awful. We need to talk about this more with the zombies we know, not let them hide and act like they dont know their favorite idiots are twerking with demons for all to see.
I'll take your word for it, as I'm not subjecting myself to it either.
what's that about?
Same old shit. Half naked “artists” climbing around on beds and stripping off their clothes doing occult rituals right in front of our faces. Humping everything and spitting vulgarity. The usual