Overdosing when pulled over by the cops is a hobby of Floyd's. This article sugar coats it a bit but he was arrested the year before in a identical situation where he almost died after swallowing a bunch of drugs and fighting with cops while screaming that he couldn't breath.
I watched the footage a lot. My take is that the cop (I forget his name) with the knee on Floyd's neck was not applying pressure. Look at how his weight is on the opposite side of his body and more back on his right heel with the left knee resting on Floyd's neck area. IMHO When the "ambulance" came with the "medics" they grabbed hold of Floyd's arm and leg and slung him onto the gurney/stretcher. THAT is just not done.
Mistakes were made and there should be consequences but people want stories of police murdering blacks in cold blood and this just ain't it. But that's the grift I guess. They never want cases where the police are 100% in the wrong and everyone agrees because then they have nobody to call a nazi.
Just if you can watch the whole body cam footage somewhere. The fentanyl in his system was making it so he couldn’t breath long before the police put him on the ground. He may still be dead but it wasn’t because of the cops.
They forgot George Floyd-fake
I did not pay attention to much re the GF event. Any good red pill docs you can recommend ?
Overdosing when pulled over by the cops is a hobby of Floyd's. This article sugar coats it a bit but he was arrested the year before in a identical situation where he almost died after swallowing a bunch of drugs and fighting with cops while screaming that he couldn't breath.
Kinda looking like suicide by cop.
I don't even think he's dead - think it was a fake staged event
Agreed ??
I watched the footage a lot. My take is that the cop (I forget his name) with the knee on Floyd's neck was not applying pressure. Look at how his weight is on the opposite side of his body and more back on his right heel with the left knee resting on Floyd's neck area. IMHO When the "ambulance" came with the "medics" they grabbed hold of Floyd's arm and leg and slung him onto the gurney/stretcher. THAT is just not done.
I'd agree with that assessment.
Mistakes were made and there should be consequences but people want stories of police murdering blacks in cold blood and this just ain't it. But that's the grift I guess. They never want cases where the police are 100% in the wrong and everyone agrees because then they have nobody to call a nazi.
Just if you can watch the whole body cam footage somewhere. The fentanyl in his system was making it so he couldn’t breath long before the police put him on the ground. He may still be dead but it wasn’t because of the cops.