That's easy...a series of bioweapons, released every 2-3 years like clockwork, accompanied by ever-increasing levels of media hype/fear-mongering and lockdowns. Anti-vaxxers will be publicly shamed/shunned/restricted from commerce/temployment/travel. No one will leave their home or enter any public accommodation without a green light on their smart phone "passport" app. All-seeing robo drones monitoring everyone at all times. This isn't speculation, it's the Sino/Israeli model of social control, applied worldwide. Enjoy.
That's easy...a series of bioweapons, released every 2-3 years like clockwork, accompanied by ever-increasing levels of media hype/fear-mongering and lockdowns. Anti-vaxxers will be publicly shamed/shunned/restricted from commerce/temployment/travel. No one will leave their home or enter any public accommodation without a green light on their smart phone "passport" app. All-seeing robo drones monitoring everyone at all times. This isn't speculation, it's the Sino/Israeli model of social control, applied worldwide. Enjoy.
Yup. That's why Q and this movement is critical. It needs to be shut down asap, otherwise, welcome to hell on earth.
I'm just wondering at what point do Patriots need to get active because there will be a threshold where there's no going back.