You left out an important part of the story. The murder of George Floyd by a cop. You can't film yourself needlessly killing a man and not expect some blowback.
Der derp? dey kilt an unarmed blackman. Get the fuck outta here with that shit you fucking shill. St George ate his bag of fentanyl and died and everyone knows it now. And to be honest im getting tired of living with all the criminal scum. Be a productive member of society or leave. Once this country is restored, a priority needs to be ending the tolerance for useless and criminal fucks. We need to ship them right the fuck outta here. To another country
What is really fucked up is that there is video of the cop killing George Floyd and you have to blame fentanyl. The war on drugs is dumb. The racism is dumb. And George Floyd is a total turd. But he was murdered.
Oh yeah, the war on fentanyl is dumb. You knkw they lace your leftist drugs with it now to kill you, right? You know, it only killed st george. Whats racist is all the black drug dealers lacing the white heroin junkies shit with fentanyl and purposely killing them. And i hate you lefties, you always throw out the race card when u cant argue fact. Its old. Its worn. Guess what im not racist, i hate everyone. I probably hate white lefties like you more than the rest and im white. I bet your a paid 20- something leftist shillfag that still lives at home with mommy. You know you dont have to shill for money this month, uncle pedo joe inflation bucks are getting helicopter dropped into your bank account. And btw, you dont want to know what mommy used to do for money. It'll haunt your dreams.
Yes. You are a racist. Fentanyl isn't a black plot to kill white people. It is just a cheap chemical used to enhance addictive substances. Tobacco companies did it with their cigarettes and nobody went to prison for that. Also, the gateway drug to heroin is oxycontin. Nobody went to prison for that either. The war on drugs is stupid. And you only find fault in the small time minority drug dealers rather than those who are really responsible.
No, whats really fucked up is that there a drug test results from his autopsy showing lethal amounts in his system. What's also fucked up is there's still frame body worn camera video of the baggie with white powder in his mouth. You are either a shill or a complete fucking leftist retard. He mudered himself. And if he hadn't fought with them he wouldn't have been put on the ground to wait for the ambulance they had already called for him. Go live in Minneapolis or portland where they hate the cops and its a literal shithole. Ill keep my cops. They keep the riff raff at bay so i dont have to deal with it.
No. The TWO autopsies done on George Floyd ruled that he was murdered. You can't use the autopsy as an authority for your conclusion when they actually back my conclusion. You lose totally this arguement. You lost an arguement to a "fucking retard". Which makes you a super retard.
You left out an important part of the story. The murder of George Floyd by a cop. You can't film yourself needlessly killing a man and not expect some blowback.
Der derp? dey kilt an unarmed blackman. Get the fuck outta here with that shit you fucking shill. St George ate his bag of fentanyl and died and everyone knows it now. And to be honest im getting tired of living with all the criminal scum. Be a productive member of society or leave. Once this country is restored, a priority needs to be ending the tolerance for useless and criminal fucks. We need to ship them right the fuck outta here. To another country
What is really fucked up is that there is video of the cop killing George Floyd and you have to blame fentanyl. The war on drugs is dumb. The racism is dumb. And George Floyd is a total turd. But he was murdered.
Oh yeah, the war on fentanyl is dumb. You knkw they lace your leftist drugs with it now to kill you, right? You know, it only killed st george. Whats racist is all the black drug dealers lacing the white heroin junkies shit with fentanyl and purposely killing them. And i hate you lefties, you always throw out the race card when u cant argue fact. Its old. Its worn. Guess what im not racist, i hate everyone. I probably hate white lefties like you more than the rest and im white. I bet your a paid 20- something leftist shillfag that still lives at home with mommy. You know you dont have to shill for money this month, uncle pedo joe inflation bucks are getting helicopter dropped into your bank account. And btw, you dont want to know what mommy used to do for money. It'll haunt your dreams.
Yes. You are a racist. Fentanyl isn't a black plot to kill white people. It is just a cheap chemical used to enhance addictive substances. Tobacco companies did it with their cigarettes and nobody went to prison for that. Also, the gateway drug to heroin is oxycontin. Nobody went to prison for that either. The war on drugs is stupid. And you only find fault in the small time minority drug dealers rather than those who are really responsible.
No, whats really fucked up is that there a drug test results from his autopsy showing lethal amounts in his system. What's also fucked up is there's still frame body worn camera video of the baggie with white powder in his mouth. You are either a shill or a complete fucking leftist retard. He mudered himself. And if he hadn't fought with them he wouldn't have been put on the ground to wait for the ambulance they had already called for him. Go live in Minneapolis or portland where they hate the cops and its a literal shithole. Ill keep my cops. They keep the riff raff at bay so i dont have to deal with it.
No. The TWO autopsies done on George Floyd ruled that he was murdered. You can't use the autopsy as an authority for your conclusion when they actually back my conclusion. You lose totally this arguement. You lost an arguement to a "fucking retard". Which makes you a super retard.