If you search "Gain of Function" in google vs duckduckgo you'll get quite different results. Google seems to think such research is beneficial whereas DuckDuckGo results show the sinister side of what Fauci and others have been doing.
In Clint Richardson's video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzQ4uEwCYwA&t=3499s he provides footage from these researchers, bureaucrats and lobbyists discussing their efforts to take viruses and make them more deadly and/or contagious. It is really stunning to hear them speak casually of something that is plainly evil.
How fascinating! I'll definitely check out the article you shared. You blew me away with your writing skills in regards to how eloquently you were able to communicate and share your analysis.
You must be one of the finest autists we have in this community.