Nice! I suppose with the way things are, knocking these sickos out one at a time is about the best we can expect for now. Good job! So glad for that family that they can breathe a sigh of relief that such a sick bastard is no longer at that school. I'm guessing that you've made a difference in many more lives than just that one! :)
Mom might have a settlement in her future for the school's blatant retaliation. The same schools that support #MeToo doing this crap does not surprise me one bit
Nice! I suppose with the way things are, knocking these sickos out one at a time is about the best we can expect for now. Good job! So glad for that family that they can breathe a sigh of relief that such a sick bastard is no longer at that school. I'm guessing that you've made a difference in many more lives than just that one! :)
Mom might have a settlement in her future for the school's blatant retaliation. The same schools that support #MeToo doing this crap does not surprise me one bit
If justice is done, which we pray it is! Hypocrites #MeToo, Quit the double speak.