With myanmar flexing on soros' bank account for open society.... I am wondering if we've been tooooooo Ameri-centric in this.
Is it necessarily that they AMERICAN military is the only way?
Q repeatedly says that this is a world wide cabal...
And then myanmar military is following the money...what if it leads here (U.S)
I am openly butt hurt that myanmar's military seeminlgly has more integrity than our military.
Come on USA!
don't flatter yourself big head...
i just wanted to make sure you knew that i think you're wrong and that your opinion means shit to me and that you could go fuck yourself.
just because the military isn't playing by your timeline doesn't give you carte blanche to come here and shit talk the people who are ready willing and able to defend you and the country you love when they are called to do so.
shitting on our military for not taking orders from you is pathetisad.
eat shit.
You are only this upset because other people's opinions and words... In this vase mine, have triggered you.
I didn't hurl insults at out military. My fiance who served died in action. There is a huge difference between our military and its leadership.
For what reason are you saying "eat shit" to me?
For what reason are you Soooooo upset that you hurl fucks a nd insults?
Get a grip.
i don't like people shit talking the military, re-read the end of the post that started this.
again, just because the military isn't moving on your preferred schedule or timeline doesn't give you the credit necessary to run your mouth like you did.
people much smarter than you or i with way more information about all of this are deciding what to do right now, and stabbing them in the back isn't going to curry any favors from them or people like me.
thats why.
there is far to much at stake to just fly off at the handle and do shit fucked up, it has to be done perfectly in order to minimize the damage that will be done when the entire cabal starts to unravel.
they will rally up all their little footsoldiers into the streets to commit violence against police, military, rich people, white people, etc... etc...
all bets are off when cabal necks are on the stump and i have a bad feeling we ain't seen shit yet.
doing it the slow calculated way is the only way it gets done right.
we need to avoid civil war at all costs while we have outside agitators attempting to foment one.
this isn't a fucking game, there are no cheat codes, people are going to die.
how bout we give them the room they need to get this shit done the way that will be best for whatever is left of this country when the dust settles...
I think you might need to calm down a peg or two.
I'm not your enemy here.
look at your first reply to me.
you get what you give mr "rolley eyes".