I'm a little confused on what I'm seeing. I don't see a single civilian (or anyone else) actually getting shot. I see several different uniforms, so I'm not sure who is who. Until the end I didn't even see a single shot fired at what MIGHT have been a target.
Giving something a title "gunning down civilians in the streets" without showing a single civilian being gunned down, or even a single civilian AT ALL, and having multiple different uniforms so you don't even know who is doing what is the epitome of disinformation.
I see absolutely nothing but a fear campaign in this video.
Right!? these soldiers seem extremely calm for being in a gunfight. that guys uzi jams and he just stands there fumbling with it instead of getting behind cover. the whole thing looks faked to me
no, they try to educate you. that video was staged. if that was a real gunfight, youd see the stress in their faces. the one guys uzi jams and he fumbles around like its the first time hes used one. when your gun jambs in a gunfight, you find cover immediately, this guy just stands there. its a larp.
It does in fact bother me. Myanmar is showing us what would happen if mil stepped in too early.
I'm a little confused on what I'm seeing. I don't see a single civilian (or anyone else) actually getting shot. I see several different uniforms, so I'm not sure who is who. Until the end I didn't even see a single shot fired at what MIGHT have been a target.
Giving something a title "gunning down civilians in the streets" without showing a single civilian being gunned down, or even a single civilian AT ALL, and having multiple different uniforms so you don't even know who is doing what is the epitome of disinformation.
I see absolutely nothing but a fear campaign in this video.
Looks the same to me. Hell, my buddies and I could make something more convincing if we really wanted to.
If they’re still on YouTube and Twatter that’s proof enough they want them on their platforms to push their [DS] narrative.
I don't care where you think they originated from. That doesn't change the veracity of everything I said.
Right!? these soldiers seem extremely calm for being in a gunfight. that guys uzi jams and he just stands there fumbling with it instead of getting behind cover. the whole thing looks faked to me
You’re either really naive or not telling the whole story.
Nobody gives a fuck but globalist, leftist pussies.
Nothing in this video matches with your headline. You have called out nothing. People are merely pointing this out, not attacking you.
no, they try to educate you. that video was staged. if that was a real gunfight, youd see the stress in their faces. the one guys uzi jams and he fumbles around like its the first time hes used one. when your gun jambs in a gunfight, you find cover immediately, this guy just stands there. its a larp.