Fauci may or may not be cabal but he's just as bad
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I agree that Fauci and Gates are thick as thieves, but since Gates is 65 and Fauci is 80, I don't see how they could have been college roommates.
perhaps my info was wrong, but ive seen a picture of the two together when they were young. it didnt look like there was 15 years age difference.
Bill Gates, Sr and Fauci were roommates I believe, which considering you don't become a Sr. until a Jr. is born and named. The picture above shows and tags Bill Gates, Sr.
I checked their ages on a search engine, so if that's wrong, I'm wrong. However, I remember Gates getting started around the time I was getting out of college and my impression has always been that he is around my age. In the past year, many sources have stated that Fauci is 80.