Currently, we are waiting on a "plan" that may or may not happen. Until I see a plan unfold, I have to be one of those people that follows that law, and hopes that uncorrupted patriots still exist in government that will help iron this shit out with laws on the books like these.
I don't see any uprising. I don't any military moves. All I see is hearsay and conjecture, that may or may not be a plan in motion or people high on hopium that something will happen. Till then, I have to be realistic about what is happening, and put some hope in the system that I will agree is currently failing will right itself with patriots.
Every damn patriot on this site is quite aware of what you said. It doesn't help, it just serves to make the room a bit more negative. So shut the fuck up unless you have something new or helpful to add. You are just saying the quiet facts out loud, and it doesn't fucking help.
Get ready congress, we're sending you 200 more just like her.
Most of swing states, the ones we "supposedly" lost in, are all implementing either voter ID, or improving it if they already had it.
As long as HR1 doesn't pass, there will be a reckoning.
They ignore the laws we already had on the books. It won't help. You will never again vote in somebody they don't want you voting for.
I hate this contrary dooming shit.
Currently, we are waiting on a "plan" that may or may not happen. Until I see a plan unfold, I have to be one of those people that follows that law, and hopes that uncorrupted patriots still exist in government that will help iron this shit out with laws on the books like these.
I don't see any uprising. I don't any military moves. All I see is hearsay and conjecture, that may or may not be a plan in motion or people high on hopium that something will happen. Till then, I have to be realistic about what is happening, and put some hope in the system that I will agree is currently failing will right itself with patriots.
Every damn patriot on this site is quite aware of what you said. It doesn't help, it just serves to make the room a bit more negative. So shut the fuck up unless you have something new or helpful to add. You are just saying the quiet facts out loud, and it doesn't fucking help.