it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
They have a chief people officer? What in the hell is a people officer? Is that a thing now, because that sounds very Orwellian.
it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
Never heard that. Everyone I hear says HR.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
Must be in progressive, left, oligarchic corps.