it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
Never heard that. Everyone I hear says HR.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
Oh hell no, that place is like amped up maximum woke, I can't imagine how much I'd hate it.