We cannot just return President Trump to the White House for 4 more years of ridicule and abuse. We are going to need some major house cleaning.
FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ and all other so-called intelligence agencies need a thorough cleaning. Wholesale replacement for all who allowed themselves to be politically motivated. New leadership several layers deep. New mission statements and clear directives on scope of operations.
Congress needs to have traitors who supported this coup removed and barred from future service. Corruption needs strict and severe consequences. Term limits must be enacted. Balanced budgets required to remain in office.
Pentagon will have to be overhauled. Forced retirement for those who have lost their vision. The people must not have questions, EVER, about their loyalty to the country and constitution.
Judiciary must return to the rule of law. Equal rights, justice, and punishment must be not be determined by money, status or power. Judges who are compromised by blackmail and extortion must be excused, and those extorting must be punished.
Media must be required to report the news honestly and fairly. News must be clearly separated from opinion and commentary. The limits on station ownership and network reach should be reinstated.
Tall order, more than we can expect one man to accomplish. But if far reaching and fundamental changes are not made, we will be right back here in a few years. And where we are now is unacceptable.
President Trump could have stayed in office if he wanted to. He stood back and let the Democrats cheat beyond all sanity for exactly the reasons you noted.
Because, reportedly, there is a plan!