Seems THEY want to flip the narrative and claim it’s now achieved only thru their “vax”
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Yeah there may be a wu flu somewhere, but it isn't what they are making it to be and I bet it's not world wide or what most people are getting. Symptoms are typically used to determine an illness, when you give an illness every symptom possible and then people have different variations of them, thats a pretty big red flag. Add in the death toll not rising, pcr tests being calibrated extremely wrong and not even meant to test for the actual virus, they prove people have it from the same antibodies created by a common cold, coke apparently catching it at some point in time is pretty suspect as well(sorry had to throw some lightness in there lol?). Main point, its easy to fake the doctors saying there was a release. The cabal know how easily a real bi weapon can get out of hand, why not just fake one. Also the flu didn't dissappear is was just renamed covid, along with heart disease, cancer, car wrecks, getting shot, falling off a mountain, jumping from buildings in New York after shorting gme. It not coincidence that all other deaths drop and we have some stupid, unbelievable amount of deaths from a virus that doesn't kill. In the end, I am not saying that there wasn't a virus created by the fuck holes facing, gates, Obama, bidan,china but my guess is there wasnt......I am just saying the pandemic that is created, is not real. Created by manipulation of stats and pumped out to people through the mockingbird box. This is the true crime, creating a fake pandemic and then implementing the 5 lock down steps on everyone. Check out and we know's latest show, the sunglasses dude explains it all perfectly.