Bloodlines are important to many people. Genealogy is the number one hobby in the world. And if people would take the time to trace their families they would most likely find that they have at least one or more royal lines. King John is the evil tyrant as portrayed in the movie Braveheart. Charlemagne has descendants galore as does Atillia the Hun. While the Cabal uses their families for evil purposes each person is responsible for their own sins and will definitely be held accountable before God and hopefully here on earth before that time in the eyes of the law.
Bloodlines are important to many people. Genealogy is the number one hobby in the world. And if people would take the time to trace their families they would most likely find that they have at least one or more royal lines. King John is the evil tyrant as portrayed in the movie Braveheart. Charlemagne has descendants galore as does Atillia the Hun. While the Cabal uses their families for evil purposes each person is responsible for their own sins and will definitely be held accountable before God and hopefully here on earth before that time in the eyes of the law.