Thank you my Fren. you know it’s a good night when your sitting on the couch by yourself laughing your ass off .. I stopped laughing read it again and repeat. Fkn funny but for reals - geeze!
Agree it’s Friday night I’m a patriot living in loonyland San Diego. I’ve had a serious week and I’m sure glad I’m still aloud to laugh ..people don’t smile let alone laugh anymore with the whole mask thing out here. I don’t wear a mask ..uploaded the medical badge I wear in a post earlier in the week, anyway I always smile at everyone wearing a mask, some just stare at me some you can tell try to sheepishly smile back under the cover ...very sad our world has got to this ,,,I’m serious Q related and standing with the plan. But as I said Geeze let’s laugh we need to we must!
Thank you yes I’m still laughing at the first comment fkn funny ..I’m a woman out here in San Diego and I had some squirrels dudes try to get in my face about not wearing a mask. I always say I can’t understand you take that diaper off .. however I do wear a medical exempt badge that I made last March because there’s just no way in San Diego , I literally am the only one I’ve ever seen without a mask and I’m serious. It’s crazytown USA. I come from a modeling background and I only say that because my appearance I believe is the only reason Im mostly left alone, if I was an over weight frumpy woman I’d probably be arrested..sad but true! So I’m usually left alone but if approached I have my medical exempt badge .. I’ve even pointed to it and pretended I couldn’t speak at times when I’m in places where they’re really hard-core mask Nazis..I’m glad you live in a more normal part of the world !
You can see them on the Internet, sure, but the finest memes belong in the finest museums. (We can boot all the crap modern “art” and bananas taped to walls n’ sht out on the street)
Bannans taped to walls ..for reals....but another fkn laugh fest ..reading comments are often some of my best times ..thank you feels like George Carlin days
I mean, we're all just kinda setting around with our thumbs up our asses atm... We all expected to be watching GITMO trials right about now...
Thank you my Fren. you know it’s a good night when your sitting on the couch by yourself laughing your ass off .. I stopped laughing read it again and repeat. Fkn funny but for reals - geeze!
haha right
You'll see an influx of discussion following the Q documentary from HBO on the 21st and Biden's first press address on the 25th.
Right now, most are in a holding pattern as there isn't much happening... until something does.
Agree it’s Friday night I’m a patriot living in loonyland San Diego. I’ve had a serious week and I’m sure glad I’m still aloud to laugh ..people don’t smile let alone laugh anymore with the whole mask thing out here. I don’t wear a mask ..uploaded the medical badge I wear in a post earlier in the week, anyway I always smile at everyone wearing a mask, some just stare at me some you can tell try to sheepishly smile back under the cover ...very sad our world has got to this ,,,I’m serious Q related and standing with the plan. But as I said Geeze let’s laugh we need to we must!
Thank you yes I’m still laughing at the first comment fkn funny ..I’m a woman out here in San Diego and I had some squirrels dudes try to get in my face about not wearing a mask. I always say I can’t understand you take that diaper off .. however I do wear a medical exempt badge that I made last March because there’s just no way in San Diego , I literally am the only one I’ve ever seen without a mask and I’m serious. It’s crazytown USA. I come from a modeling background and I only say that because my appearance I believe is the only reason Im mostly left alone, if I was an over weight frumpy woman I’d probably be arrested..sad but true! So I’m usually left alone but if approached I have my medical exempt badge .. I’ve even pointed to it and pretended I couldn’t speak at times when I’m in places where they’re really hard-core mask Nazis..I’m glad you live in a more normal part of the world !
lol true
Where is the “fuck you” button?
Can’t memes have Q related content?
One of the best ideas I’ve heard in decades.
You can see them on the Internet, sure, but the finest memes belong in the finest museums. (We can boot all the crap modern “art” and bananas taped to walls n’ sht out on the street)
Bannans taped to walls ..for reals....but another fkn laugh fest ..reading comments are often some of my best times ..thank you feels like George Carlin days
I've always believed the real comedy gold lies in the comments.
I'm very much looking forward to the Big Finish.