According to theory the Deep State created COVID-19 in a Wuhan lab.
If they created a virus to control us, keep us in lockdowns, and destroy our economies, it is clear that they would NOT want a cure or a vaccine. They would prefer to keep us in lockdown for years on end and strip our freedoms and wealth.
Trump made a great effort to save us from the lockdowns with his promotion of HCQ and the creation of the vaccine.
Do you really think that Trump would create Operation Warp Speed to kill us all?
Do you really think that if "patriots are in control" that the vaccine would be a bad thing?
No. Clearly, the vaccine is a good thing, and was meant to save us from the Deep State's tyranny.
All of our beliefs come from someone else, and someone may have manipulated you into you thinking that vaccine = bad so maybe Trump = bad. Maybe the DS can't stop the vaccine, doesn't have as much control of the government and media anymore, and can only try to discredit it through alternative channels. What you believe may be unfounded DS propaganda.
Clearly, if Trump and the vaccine actually were good, the DS would try to convince you that it is bad. Don't believe random information. The DS is perfectly capable of spreading misinformation through alternative channels to trick you.
Many new studies are changing the scientific understanding of viruses. It seems they are actually exosomes produced by the human body in response to an infection. They are NOT contagious.*
The PCR test was operated at amplification levels intentionally high enough to give false positives if the person had ANY type of cold or flu in the last few years.
This was all a giant hoax designed to create fear and justify lockdowns to provide a reason for mail in voting in order to rig the election.
The vaccines, on the other hand, have been shown to contain myriad ingredients harmful to human health. The mRNA shots do not meet the criteria to even be called vaccines. They are operating systems designed to impact our DNA in ways we do not yet fully understand.
But considering the push toward transhumanism and the nanotech they are trying to inject into us, my guess is they want to use this nanotech to alter our DNA to create new “transhuman version” of our DNA, which they can then patent and use to control us as mere property.
That being said, I do not think Trump ever really pushed any vax. He never took any. Nor did his family. He said in the beginning c19 was no big deal but if he had told the real truth about it all he would have been crucified. He endorsed HCQ and repeatedly praised other therapeutics. His recent interview on Fox where he encouraged people to take the vax was, I believe necessary disinfo. He said more than once “but people can CHOOSE” and he knows that his supporters are NOT blind sheep and think for ourselves.
We have free will and a brain. If we fail to use either, that is on us.
Finally, we are literally AT WAR RIGHT NOW. It just isn't the tanks in the streets kind of action we picture. Instead, it is a cyber war of disinformation, and a war of infiltration. The CCP/DS almost took over this country without firing a shot by infiltration our government and financial systems at all levels.
Point being, there are casualties in any war. Regrettable, but unavoidable. This is a hugely complex and multi-layered plan not just to take down the DS, but to dismantle all the systems that support them. Not just here, but all over the world.
If we can get through this without civil war or massive casualties, it will be a tremendous victory.
Pray, and have patience!!