My father-in-law called today. He had his 1st vaccine shot 2-weeks ago. Both of his hands are still numb, with feeling coming and going from the fingers. He asked for advice on getting the 2nd shot next week as scheduled. My wife & I had the same advice.... NO!!!! You still don't have feeling in your hands from weeks ago, so next shot may make you lose your hands, or make your arms go numb as well.
My daughter's friend got both shots. She can't use her arms now a week later. They are too weak to do anything, no coordination. She works with her hands, so can't lift anything, perform simple tasks or even work for now. Hope it cures itself one day soon.
My wife and I were talking to a well known Houston spinal surgeon a few weeks ago. He had his 2nd shot the day before, and got no sleep that night. His arms and hands kept going numb all night. My wife told me today that he still has tingling in his arms and hands off and on even a few weeks later.
Why don't they have warnings for obvious symptoms that probably hundreds of thousands of people are experiencing? If I know 3 people that had it happen, then it's most likely extremely common.
If they aren't informing people about THAT, then who knows what other surprises they aren't informing people about?
Same w mother in law. Arm paralyzed and worse. I told the wife that her chances of dying, soon, just went up dramatically. She agreed, but even after warning her, she got it and it was her choice. Mother said she would have rather gotten COVID than the vax. She is now very sick. Would not admit she was warned but bought into the fear porn instead. Some life choices can not be reversed. I won’t comment on those complicit. God will deal with them
‘Tis a difficult war of mental attacks.
March 4 2021: “5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking the Covid “vaccine”
Prayers for Peace during this trying time. May God return and judge them soon.