I think, do not evenmentallyconsent to this concept.
... rather than try to bypass it as if it's somehow legitimate. This must never be normalized in any way. Down to the very roots.
It is entirely wicked and illegal, and violates every human's inherent rights and sovereignty, not to mention our US Constitution. Like mask suffocation. And Aktion T4.
Information Warfare ~ Mindwar. Getting people to 'rebel' and 'resist cards' is an Overton Window maneuver.
I think, do not even mentally consent to this concept.
... rather than try to bypass it as if it's somehow legitimate. This must never be normalized in any way. Down to the very roots.
It is entirely wicked and illegal, and violates every human's inherent rights and sovereignty, not to mention our US Constitution. Like mask suffocation. And Aktion T4.
Information Warfare ~ Mindwar. Getting people to 'rebel' and 'resist cards' is an Overton Window maneuver.