Alexis Cossette said the following:
As the world’s most powerful President, Trump had a very big responsibility regarding Covid and the vaccine. By making the pharmaceutical companies get a vaccine out so fast, Trump actually gave them a poisoned gift.
We have to imagine what it would have been if the vaccine had come out a year and a half after, as they predicted. People then would not have been as wary of it as they are now, and would more readily accept to get one.
If Trump hadn’t pushed pharmaceutical companies to get a vaccine out so fast, the vaccines might have been a hundred times more nefarious.
He also mentions that Trump supporters know that Trump uses doublespeak a lot - he says one thing and means another one (regarding North Korea, as an example), so that his supporters know what to think.
Alexis Cossette therefore says that Trump’s supporters know what to make of his statements. Regarding the vaccine, they have made up their mind, and Trump also encourages that (they have their freedom, he said, and I respect that).
So, wanted to share that, on top of everything else that has been said before.
Here’s the link, in case some of you speak French and would like to have a listen.
Do you speak French? If you do, I recommend you listen to the guy, he’s really one of the best, in my honest opinion. He’s so good that he’s constantly harassed by the media.
Le français est ma langue maternelle. Je le pratique quotidiennement avec mon épouse et également dans le cadre de mes projets musicaux où j’écris tous mes textes dans cette belle langue.
J’ai pris bonne note de ce lien et je compte écouter ce personnage lors de ma pause café de demain matin.
Eh bien, tu ne le regretteras pas ! Si tu veux, tu peux même commencer avec les vidéos sur Trump directement. Les trois dernières concernaient le Covid et sont également d’excellente qualité ! Ravie de rencontrer un autre French Pede ici! ?
Il est longtemps depuis j'ai entendu le français à l'école - vers 50 ans - et je ne me rapelle q'un peut de la belle langue.